Right side of the bed

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Every bed has two sides: the wrong side and the right side.
The pleasantness of your daily experience depends entirely on making
sure you get out of the right side of the bed.

Every bed has two sides: the wrong side and the right side.
The pleasantness of your daily experience depends entirely on making
sure you get out of the right side of the bed.

This task can be trickier than it sounds because it is often not
possible to determine beforehand which side of the bed is the right
side and which is not.

This task can be trickier than it sounds because it is often not
possible to determine beforehand which side of the bed is the right
side and which is not.

To make matters worse, mathematicians have concluded that the bed
is a multidimensional topological entity existing simultaneously
in 5 universes and it is in fact possible to get four wrong sides of
the bed existing in the same universe at once thereby making it
impossible for the poor inhabitant to get out of the right side of
bed at all. When this sort of thing happens it is best to simply
stay in bed until a right side pops around from another universe by
which you can then safely exit the bed. The average time taken for
this to occur is approximately 16 hours.

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