A short history of The Avengers TV series

1 Conversation

Dun- dun-dun dun dun! Champagne,
the original guns 'n' roses- the
opening credits to The Avengers-the classiest of 60' s shows
A few years ago- while visiting a friend, I was dismayed at the fact that he suggested we watch an episode of the Avengers, one called " Death at Bargain prices" but since I was a good friend, I decided not to tell him what I thought of this suggestion...but to my astonishment, within ten minutes
of his show starting, I became hooked...from the second I saw Patrick Macnee as Steed, and Diana Rigg as Mrs Peel, I knew I
had to know more...
The Avengers started life as yet
another gritty, Brit crime shows, having evolved from an earlier show, Police Surgeon, focusing on Dr Keel, played by Ian Hendry. Dr Keel' s fiancee had been accidently killed by drug dealers ( enter the mysterious Mr John Steed, sent by his organisation to stamp out
evil)and there was born an avenging team.
The series soon became popular,
but this was mainly down to Steed, the man in the bowler, who was more popular with the viewers than the good doctor- so
when Hendry moved on after 26 episodes, the show changed to the one we know today..
Season two
enter Cathy Gale, played by Honor Blackman, now known for her roles in Goldfinger and the TV series The Upper hand.
When Cathy joined the team, along with Dr King played by Jon
Rollason and Venus Smith, nightclub singer played by Julie
Stevens (of Playschool fame) the
series changed from one of straight forward crime to stories of a quirkier nature, featuring tales on baddies who liked to be known as Mr Teddy Bear, an assasin with a sense of
humour, and greedy members of staff burying dead employers in Pet cemetarys...
In season three, it was back to just Steed and sidekick Cathy, a
combination that seemed to work best, and still the weirdness creeped in more and more- Lawyers who ensure a not guilty verdict even if the client is caught red- handed, company chairmen who want to restore The
Roman Empire, by introducing the
Bubonic plague, Murderous Policemen at fancy dress partys-
to mention but a few.
Season four
Cathy leaves for the Bahamas..Emma arrives
Now this is the point were the show really takes off. Emma Peel
(Diana Rigg) is the perfect partner for Steed- not too soft-
not too tough, but its usuallly her who saves Steed!
only in The Avengers would you find crooked Dating Agencies, Department Stores, Hotels, Golf courses, seaside towns and Dance
Season five
The Avengers in colour!
Steed and Peel- as youve never seen them before- in glorious colour, for the American market.
But things were changing- a big shake up in the staff was on the
cards- and this was not good. Most important of all Diana Rigg
was leaving- and sadly after the
perfect partnership of Macnee and Rigg, the new Girl Linda Thorson as Tara King, didnt stand a chance- some people like
the stories from this era- I do not, I think they crossed the fine line between fun stories and stupid stories- but they are
still better than anything else that was being done at the time.

Time passed..and seven years later The Avengers would re- emerge this time as the New Avengers, starring Macnee as Steed, Gareth Hunt as Mike Gambit and Joanna Lumley as Purdey- the ex- ballet dancer
In 26 episodes filmed in two blocks, this trendy trio battled
all sorts, including the avengers greatest foe, The Cybernauts!
some people say they dont like The New Avengers, but I do, and I think it will become more loved in years to come, when it is compared less with the original series
My top episodes from the Avengers and New Avengers
want to try out avengering? I suggest the following:-

The frightners
Mr Teddy bear
Death at bargain prices
Who' s who???
They keep killing Steed
for a list of all the episodes,
see my entry The Avengers- the complete list of episodes

and Stay Tuned!

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