
1 Conversation

Elemir is a small village (population 5k-ish) in Serbia.
About 3 types of people live there, serbs, bosnians and gypsies.
Elemir isn't very bad place, but the morality of people is just terrible.
About 50% of the population consists of people that are older than 50 years of age.

Places you might like to visit in Elemir are ... well, there aren't any, but feel free to look around. You might find something interesting

Not so far away from Elemir, about 5-6 kilometers, there is a beach on the river called Tisa, so you can go there for refreshment on a hot summer day.

I wish i had something else to say about Elemir (cause i was born here and it's always ok to praise your place of birth) but there isn't anything more interesting here.

If you wish, you could always contact me to ask some questions about Elemir.

20.6.2010 20:42

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