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Pegasus has been a fan of Douglas Adams' great works and wisdom since childhood. To a not insignificant extent, DNA helped Pegasus shape a view of the world that provided a template for life and answers to some of the unanswerable questions of the universe.

Pegasus discovered h2g2 in August 1999, and immediately found a place that felt like home. Through the wholly remarkable visualisation of the Guide, Pegasus found somewhere to be creative and appreciated for those efforts, to have wide and varied discussions with all manner of interesting and somehow like-minded individuals, and to make some small repayment of the debt felt towards Douglas Adams' insight.

When Pegasus' computer went *foom* in December 2000, it was a couple of months before any Internet access was available, and then the shocking realisation came that h2g2 was no longer out there. Another month or so passed, and the news emerged that h2g2 had been assimilated by the BBC. Like any good shock, this brought a moment of hysterical laughter followed by tears of fear. Both the sense of irony and the disappointment were, it soon emerged, well-founded.

Time passed under new ownership, and the dissatisfaction of the masses was cast aside, with nothing more than a comment that such people are expendable. So it came to pass that many prolific, intelligent and communicative founding members of the community passed away. Quality and quantity of entries submitted to the Edited Guide declined, and the 'Earth Edition' became the 'UK Edition', or more specifically, the 'BBC Edition'. Researchers' disappointment continued to fall on selective hearing, and h2g2 'expanded' into a number of new 'DNA' sites, which somehow didn't quite take off as planned. To those who still have the vision, the reasons for the decline were readily apparent. To those that hold the purse strings, it was clear that they are undeniably always in the right, and the voice of dissent is in need of a large elastoplast and maybe some concrete boots.

Meanwhile, other parts of BBCi demonstrated effectively what was to become of the Guide. Noticeably, old and new BBCi sites become more similar by the day. People are still invited to 'express their view', but despite the disclaimers, if it is not the view of the BBC, then it is without a doubt the wrong view, and those holding such a view are immediately treated to sentence without trial, and the right of freedom of speech is revoked.

So it was one day that Pegasus realised that the pleasure once felt in participating in h2g2 no longer existed. Every fresh discriminatory and unnecessary act of moderation tore open the barely-healed wounds. The sense of Douglas Adams turning in his grave at every obstruction of free speech became unbearable. And so, in what some may choose to term a dramatic gesture1, Pegasus reluctantly decided that continuing to contribute services (as a 'volunteer', as a writer and as an ambassador for the Guide) was no longer agreeable, and said goodbye.

Pegasus was in the process of organising two real-time events for members of the h2g2/BBCi community and friends, and will continue to see these through, as they are purely for the people, rather than the corporation. Therefore, you may see Pegasus online from time to time, but don't anticipate much of a conversation on site! Pegasus made many good friends through pre-BBCi h2g2, and will continue to remain in contact with them for as long as possible. Pegasus has also made some good friends 'through' h2g2 since the BBCi takeover, however as 90%+ of conversations with those friends necessarily take place off-site, it is a far cry from the early community feel of Douglas Adams' h2g2.

Finally, Pegasus was somewhat stunned by, but appreciative, of the many kind messages left after announcing this imminent departure. However, Pegasus would like to request, in a 'no flowers, donations to be sent to...' kind of way, that rather than messages requesting Pegasus' presence or return, that you express your opinions, whatever they may be, directly to the BBC. Pegasus does not foresee a return to h2g2, as the only thing that would bring that about is a change in policy and treatment by BBCi. As one of the most unmovable objects out there, Pegasus does not feel this is even remotely likely.

Thankyou to all the people who made the good years here good. Should you wish to remain in contact with Pegasus, please use the e-mail or Website contact addresses below.

6 May 2002

1However, that was not the intent... to be able to say goodbye to valued co-researchers was.

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