Hunt the Fifth

1 Conversation

Welcome to the fifth trail of the h2g2 Great Easter Egg Hunt

Below is a list of clues, followed by one or more numbers. Each clue should lead you to an Edited Guide Entry. Some of the clues are straightforward, some are more cryptic!

To join the hunt, this is what to do:-

  • Solve the clues, and post the Axxxxxx number for the entry in the 'Answers - Hunt the Fifth' forum on this page. This will automatically be turned into a link. Please do not write the name of the entry in the forum, and please only put one link per post. Don't forget to tell me which clue you are answering - if you don't I won't be able to give you your egg! smiley - bigeyes.
  • Once you have solved the clue and found the entry, count along the characters of the title. Use the number(s) following the corresponding clue, and take those letter(s) from your answer. Please do NOT post these letters in the answers forum! Anyone who does so will recieve no Easter Eggs, and will also have to face the wrath of the Mad March Hare!!! smiley - yikes
  • Having solved all the clues, and got all the letters, you have one further task (should you choose to accept it)! If you rearrange the letters, they will spell out a phrase or saying. Work out what it is, and email the answer to me at with 'Trail 5' as the subject.

For example, given the following clue:

ClueTake letter(s)...
1The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything2, 7

you might reason that the answer is 'Forty Two', so you would take an 'o' and a 'w' (letters 2 and 7) to put towards your final anagram.

If you have any queries, feel free to email me, or better still catch me onsite! smiley - bunny

How you can win your eggssmiley - biggrin

I shall be giving one Easter Egg to the first person to solve each clue, and post a link in the correct format in the 'Answers - Hunt the Fifth' forum. You will receive nothing for posting a link to a clue that has already been answered.

To give as many people as possible the chance to win Easter Eggs, I will only be awarding a maximum of two eggs per person per trail. So please, if you have posted two answers, give everyone else chance to win. Enjoy the smug feeling you get from solving all the answers and being able to complete the anagram! smiley - smiley You will still be able to win an egg from the anagram.

Everyone who emails me with the unscrambled anagram will be given an egg (also unscrambled!). In addition, there may be an additional prize to the person who emails me first with the correct answer.

All that remains for me to say is Good Luck, and have a very Happy Easter!smiley - chick

So here are the clues for the fifth trail...

ClueTake letter(s)...
1Useful for going through3
2Bad weather inside your head6, 12
3A brief description of Earth14
4Clever sweets5
5'To sleep perchance to...'3
6Fight for beer containers11, 13
7Cotton candy6
8Illuminating funnies8, 11
9Rural tunes, perhaps4

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