How the U.S. Congress betrayed its people

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About two-hundred and twenty-five years ago, a new nation began. It had just fought off a tyrannical government system and started anew. The road they had to start on was tricky. Should they have a king, or maybe a lord for this country? No, they had just rid themselves of a king, and the only 'lord' they wanted was in church. No royalty here, just common people, everyone of them.
The Founding Fathers looked and in the past, saw their future: Democracy.
They would take the democracy of old and reshape it until it was worthy of the people it would represent. They made it so power would flow From the People To the government. And they ensured that America's people would always have a way of controling the government, lest it run amok and become tyrannical.
Among all law that were written to guide the new country and its people, were 'ammendments' The first one, and it was not the first by accident, was the freedom of speech. The Founding Fathers knew this was the most important one. This freedom has many forms; from voting in the election process, right to assembly, to public statements of complaint and endorsement.
Being a country of many individuals, often their voices were not heard. Some band together, making their voices louder, they could buy ads in newspapers to express their viewpoints of one or more elected official or proposed law, this made them harder to ignore. It also continued the process of representive government. But now a new law is about to be voted on. This law has been called 'A way to stop corruption in government by donation of money by groups'. It will also make almost all forms of decention or endorsement sixty days before an election, illegal. And, except for candidates ads, the media elite would be the only voice heard. Common sense tells us that a honest man cannot be corrupted. The U.S. Congress, being mostly made up of lawyers,..well, that says it all right there. This law will stop legitiment doanations to, mostly, political challengers, and assure that the current congressman would stay office until he/she wanted to leave. By the way, this new law is called 'Campaign finance reform'. There are already plenty laws about campaign donations, but so far, Congress has refused to enforced them. So, of course, they have to make another law. The freedom of speech the Founding Fathers knew this country needed and could not survive without, would be circumvent. Amazingly, the media knows this; it would bring them much political power. Congress knows this as well. In fact, one of the first laws by, again, the Founding Fathers, was that 'congress shall make no law circumventing the first ammendment.' Many in this congress believes that power is their devine right. The people are there to serve congress.
America's road to Socialism has been slow but steady. The freedoms her citizens once enjoyed are being taken away one by one.
After leaving a meeting, Ben Franklin was asked by a woman, 'What kind of government are you giving us?'
Franklin told her, 'A democracy, if you can keep it.'
This 'law', if enacted, will leap America to almost equal footing to the old Soviet Union. Remember, freedoms taken are never given back and the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. The question is: Can we keep it?

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