Infinity (old)

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A meteor showerIn an entry by Researcher 163569, I found some questions about infinity, which I found quite interesting. These are all questions that don't really concern any of us, but the answers are fascinating all the same.
I've not included a single equation because I hate them, and try to avoid both reading and writing explanations with maths in them.

Explaining Infinity

Infinity isn't amazingly, mindbendingly, giganticly huge. It is simply never-ending. Understanding the concept of 'never-ending' is something most human beings will never grasp. Those who do, either die from the shock, or become terribly religous. I once read a great book that included this quote: In an infinite universe, you don't say that everything can happen, you say that everything will happen.

Because it's so incomphrehensible, I've tried to make the answers as simple as possible. I did a little research in physics books, and found these answers:

Infinite Questions and Answers

  • Question: Infinity seems to be able to have form (i.e. planets, suns, black holes), but does it have a shape?

    Answer: No. A shape without borders is a contradiction in terms. Most people are famliar with the ∞ sign. This simply means forever, and can't be described by with any other shape or number. That is, exept the ones that also stand for infinity.

  • Question: Is anything truly finite?

    Answer: Well, it sort of depends. Matter and energy are relative, but constant, which basically means that everything that is in the universe stays in the universe. However, if you're asking if 'made in China' pencils are finite, I would certainly answer yes. No offence to Chinese pencil makers!

  • Question: Can you wrap something (even an infinite something) around something that is infinite?

    Answer: Yes you can wrap an infinite something round an infinite something. However, since infinity is infinite, it's like trying to prove there are more decimals than true numbers. Impossible, and pointless.

  • Question: If you have infinite speed, how long will it take you to cross infinite space?

    Answer: Forever. You would probably achieve time travel. On the other hand, if the universe were finite you would have a problem...

  • Question: Can an infinite amount of water fill a cup of infinite size?

    Answer: According to one of the greatest minds of our time, Stephen Hawking, filling an infinite cup (i.e. the universe) with an infinite amount of water, would take until the end of the universe. I wouldn't try though, as you would probably drown everyone in the attempt...

  • Question: If something were infinitely small, would it really exist?

    Answer: Something is always something, whatever the size.

I hope that these answers have enlightened your life a little, and that you all know a little more about infinity! Special thanks to researcher 163569, for providing the questions.

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