Time waisting

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Want to waist some time? Cant think of how to do it? Well here is your solution....... 100 ways to waist time!!!

1.Read this, it should take some time off your hands and waist it thoroughly.

2.Read somthing else that i have written, also guaranteed to wait time.

3.Think of 95 ways to waist time.

4.Write them down.

5.E-mail them to me.

ok, now for some weirder things to help you waist time

6.drop a piece of paper out of your window, and time it to see how long it takes to hit the ground.

7.Get all your friends to do it.

8.Compare results and discuss.

9.In the comfort of your local pub.

10.If you have done this before, then you are probably completely mad, and should not be reading this.

11.Disreguard the fact that 10 is not an idea how to waist time. This should also wast your time

12.Invent a language, and count to 100 in it.

13.Find someone that knows about different languages.

14.Verify that the language you made does not already exist.

15.Patent the language.

16.Go home and read a book.

17.Re-write the book in your language.

18.If anyone buys it, you can waist time laughing at them.

20.(damn im only at 20)

21.IF you have managed to read this far, you have succesfully waisted time.

22.If you have BOTHERED to read this far, you are completely mad.

(Disclamer: If you are completely mad, this is your decision, and i hold nothing against you.)

23.Are you still reading this. I am not even writing reasons anymore

24.So i only got to 24. Who cares. Maybe ill come back some time and add somthing else.


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