AS Level computing

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The Background Stuff

Computers are now everywhere and there is nothing anyone on the earth (or otherwise) can do about it. This is a guide to try to tell you if you want to do computing or not at AS and/or A2 levels.

What do you do in computing

In computing AS level you are mainly required to know about the following:

insides of the computer
types of software
types of hardware
and finally A programming language.
All of the above are included on the course. However background reading into these parts is important to your success. If you are considering doing computing, I would advise having some sort of computer experiance. also if you can learn a programing language this will aid your chances.
A computer in a bin

The Programming Language

normally your teacher will decide what programming language you will learn. however the language will probably be:

Pascal (delphi),
Visual basic,
or C.

all of these languages are very good tolearn not because they are used very often but because they are the basics of most programming languages.
Woman asleep at her computer Hopefully this has been a useful gude to weather you want to do computing or not.If you have any questions or suggestions send me a message and I will get back to you.

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