A Conversation for The H2G2 Lyrics Quiz!

The winner i belive

Post 1

Happy Little Elf - Who's your favourite Dave?

This is probably the closest you'll get tpo a full sat of answers

1. track: no idea Artist: David Gray
2. Track: YMCA Artist: Village People
3. track: My Generation Artist: The Who (covered by Green Day on Kerplunk:Do I get a bonus point for that?)
4. Track: Closing Time Artist: Semisonic
5. Track: Sing Artist: Travis
6. Track: Have A Nice Day Artist: Stereophonics
7. Track: The Prince artist: Madness
8. track: Where the streets have no name artist: U2
9. track: no idea artist: no idea but this one ain't Pink
10. track: Here With Me artist: Dido
11. Track: Reach artist: S Club 7
12. Track: Pretty Vacant artist: Sex Pistols.

There. That's about 20 pints to me i think

The winner i belive

Post 2


Well done.

The winner i belive

Post 3

Purple Moose - He comes, he goes. But mainly the latter...

sorry no bonus points...smiley - biggrin
smiley - reindeer

The winner i belive

Post 4

Happy Little Elf - Who's your favourite Dave?


The winner i belive

Post 5

Purple Moose - He comes, he goes. But mainly the latter...

you were beaten anyway! by 1 point! (points and laughs)
smiley - reindeer
(no offense)

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