Kings and Queens of England and Great Britain

1 Conversation


This is a brief history of the passing of the crown of England through the ages, and from 1603 when it was united with the crown of Scotland with the accesion of James VI of Scotland to become James I of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.


William I the Conqueror, whilst Harold II was fending off the Danes at Stamford Bridge, William Duke of Normandy1was mustering his troops across the Channel sanctioned by Pope Alexander II. His troop mortally wounded Harold at Hastings in 1066. William took a census of England the Doomsday book and set up many fortifications including the Tower of London. He fell from his was mortally wounded during a campaign against Philip I of France and Died , Near Rouen, France on 7 September 1087.

William II Rufus, suceeded his father to the English throne his sort reign was ended when he long red hair2 became caught in the branches of a tree whilst out hunting in the New Forest on the 2 Aug 1100.

On the death of his brother Henry I Beauclerc became the third Norman King.

Stephen Death 25 OCT 1154, Dover Castle

Henry II Curtmantle


The first of the new dynasty of Kings to be born in England was Henry's third son Richard I The Lionheart.He is most famous for leading the series of Crusades along with the French to liderate Palestine. He died a prisoner of Philip II of France at Chalus, Limousin on 6 April 1199.

After acting as regent during his borther's absences due to the ruasades John finally suceeded as King. But was not a popular monarch as his powers were curtailed by the nobles when they made him sign the Magna Carta at Runnymede. Death 19 OCT 1216, Newark Castle, Newark, Nottinghamshire.

Henry III Death 16 NOV 1272, Westminster, Palace, London, England

In 1270 Edward I left England to join the 7th Crusade, while he was there his father died leaving him the throne. In 1296 he invaded Scotland and was the first English King to also declare himself King of the Scots, but he was soon repelled. As he was setting out a third time to supress the Scot's he died near Carlisle on 7 Jul 1307.

Edward II

Edward III

Richard II


Henry IV

Henry V

Henry VI


Edward IV

Edward V

Richard III


Henry VII

Henry VIII

Edward VI

Jane Grey

Mary I

Elizabeth I


James I

Charles I

Charles II

James II

William III and Mary II



George I

George II

George III

George IV

William IV


Saxe Coburg Gotha

Edward VII


George V

Edward VIII

George VI

Elizabeth II

1Though of Danish descent.2Hence his nickname rufus.

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