How, and when to complain.
Created | Updated Mar 8, 2006
Some people complain simply because they can, they have a voice so QED, they will moan. You cannot legislate for these people. Best simply to ignore them because they are professional grumblers and do not practice for sport, but for greed alone.
This entry is aimed at failed or virgin complainers. People who normally accept that things happen and that people make mistakes.
The first point is to know when it's a good time to speak out. Anger is a difficult indicator to use. Sometimes it can live a brief but bright flash of life. Start complaining in the heat of rage and you may regret it as you calm down and realise your mistake. Anger that lives a long life, slowly smouldering under the skin is unhealthy, so the less about it said the better.
If you can't use anger as an indicator, what can you use? Two things, a feeling of wrongness and clothes. When the waiter informs you that the foul tasting pie you just rejected is gourmet, and that your own taste buds are actually at fault, freeze those early thoughts. Injustice, or does he have a point? Of course he doesn't; to complain read on. Clothing analysis is an underrated method. You need to go to Cambridge and come back the next day but are informed that the journey is too short for a return ticket. You have to buy two singles at an exorbitant price. Looking at the women behind the counter, she's wearing a uniform. Complaining now would be a waste of time. They can't do anything about the pricing, only nod and wish you would disappear.
A smartly dressed man is a different story. How did he afford those designer clothes, or flashy suit; probably because not enough people complained.
My second point is how. Assuming you have decided to complain, the next choice is in what form it will take. Loud, understanding, pitiful, violent or, with humour. Do you do it in person, by e-mail, letter or phone call? An e-mail is easily ignored, a letter shelved but a live voice is harder to ignore. Explain the situation calmly and then wait, don't tell them what you want in recompense. Information is power. Wait for their suggested solution and see how it compares.
If you feel so enraged by an action then best plot your feelings by writing a letter of complaint. Whether you send it doesn't matter, as it will clear the system of your initial feelings. After a day or so, re-read the letter, correct any mistakes and detail a date by which you wish to have a response. File a copy away for the future and then decide whether sending it will help matters. Sending a letter by recorded delivery is a little more expensive, but it will give you that warm feeling knowing that the offenders have to read your grievances and it won't get 'lost in the post'.
Visiting in person is a bold move. It wrong foots the enemy. Take some relevant documents, e.g. statements, receipts or past correspondence. Most importantly though, is to put them in a smart folder held under your arm. Nothing scares them more than an organised complainer.
Some people are not natural complainers and can fold under pressure. Help is just a few minutes away. Various organisations exist solely to serve you. They do it for free, and normally know more than they should do. The Citizens Advice Bureaux is one example, and probably the most widespread (in the UK). Talk to your council, talk to anyone, someone will know someone that knows something.
The last resort, excluding court action because it's too complex, is a trick known as the table turner. Advanced complainers should only attempt this, as it's a complex move. Contact Companies House and ask them for the home address of one or all of the Company's directors. This is compulsory and freely available (maybe a couple of pence). Write them a letter and send it to their home. Tell the big wigs how you have been wronged and let them know that you must have a response, or maybe a few more letters will hit their doormat, every day.
The final and most important point is to know when to stop. Suing you neighbour when his new fir trees block your morning sunlight is an aggressive and frankly, American solution. Make your complaint and then finish it.