Arcane Realms

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Arcane Realms is a MUD (see entry "MUDs" [A696189] by Lynchmob) heavily based in a medieval theme. The main town is Estoile, a large merchant town controlled by the church. Magic has been outlawed by the overpowering clerics and the mages have taken sanction in a far-off tower. Dragons and fantasy creatures are the stuff of myths and ledgends to the normal populace, but the wizened know that they have simply left the world of man to life in the land of Farie. The storyline of Arcane Realms has been painstakenly gone over and is well developed.

~ For a more complete history of AR, visit its website at ~

MUD Statistics:
-Owner : Shameriseth
-Head Builder: Shameriseth
-Head Coder: Cheron
-Other builders: Lowfai (thats me, Lynchmob!), Gaian, Elaseth, ...?
-Theme : Medieval fantasy
-Rooms : 3000+ (Medium world)
-Roleplay : Enforced
-Levels : Levelless system

~ For more detailed MUD statistics, search at ~

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