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MUD is an accronym for Multi User Dungeon, or Dimension, or Domain, or Door, or a whole bunch of other words for 'area' starting with a 'D'. They are text-based games, much like the Infocom H2G2 game, except they are played online with other people simultaniously.

In most MUDs, there is not really a set 'goal' to reach at the end of like game, unlike the Infocom game. The rule system in most MUDs is heavily based on TSR/Wizards of the Coast's game of AD&D, or Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. The goal is not to 'win' per say, but is to improve your character through combat and roleplaying.

All MUDs can be accessed by typing telnet:// and then the address into the address bar on a browser, which will open up a Telnet window. Beginning mudders will be happy with this but more experianced players will soon move to special MUD Clients, such as zMUD, Portal, and MUSHClient.

-For a really big searchable MUD database, go to
-A good up and running MUD with a nice player base is RavenMUD, at telnet://
-A good medieval type mud that is still under construction is Arcane Realms at telnet://

That is all. Please view a followup entry "Arcane Realms" (A696206).

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