The Trickster

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Well, well, well. It seems I was late - again! - for last week's Post. Oops. I was hoping to have talked about the meet in last week's1 article, but sadly for a couple of reasons2, that proved impossible. But I'll present it here, late as ever, but still hopefully worth reading. Then I'll move on to other stuff.

Other stuff? What's been going on? Well, my inquisitve friends, gather round and I'll tell you. Have some cheese. Are you sitting comfortably?3

LokuZ in London

So, it was on a bright, sunny day, with the birds twittering in the green-swathed branches of the trees4 that I set out to London. My parents were heading down too, so I wasn't alone coming down on the train. A Good Thing too, as I am a diabetic and arrived in London with a very low blood sugar level, which led to me stumbling in The Lord Moon of the Mall, with no idea of where I was or what was going on. I got sorted out with some food, and after a short while I began to see that there were about half as many people in the room as I had initially thought. And half the number of tables. And windows. And everything, really.

I met and chatted (or, rather, listened intently) to several researchers, some I had met before, most never. The synchronised smoking that materialised around me as soon as I had finished eating was very entertaining! It was also nice to finally meet Pastey, Lindsay and the rest...

After wandering around for a bit, I had a long-delayed chat with MaW, who I had not seen for a couple of months. We talked a little about studies, penguins, PHP and the weather, before telling a bemused Abi that we had decided to eschew the Photo Scavenger Search in favour of trying to locate some ducks. Which we did, in St. James' Park. MaW has a rather strange picture of me pointing at a luminous goose5 and laughing. We also looked at a few extremely fat and tame6 ducks, coots and moorhens.

The proper meet was at the Sutton Arms in Clerkenwell, where we were treated to Moxon vouchers and a selection of tasty snacks. I was accosted by a few other Post contributors, including Shazz (who accused me of impersonating someone; I have no idea why), Spimcoot (who is even more disturbing in the flesh) and Frankie (whose passion for Vodka once again left him with short-term amnesia).

The h2g2 quiz was great as ever, with the Post team falling just short of coming second. Which is a shame, because I would have loved to own one of the infamously scarce h2g2 T-shirts! It didn't matter though, as everyone enjoyed themselves. Spimcoot decided that one of MaW's penguins was evil, which MaW strongly refuted - but I could see it too. That penguin is going to be trouble...

I had to head off before the party was over, but I still had a great time - and I'll definitely be at the next h2g2 meet!

New Entry!

I've just begun work on a new guide entry on Cyberpunk and Dystopian fiction. It's going to be very extensive, but I am determined to get it completed! A large and detailed plan has already been drawn up, but I've only just started the actual writing. When it will be finished remains to be seen, but I'll post a few updates whenever a major section is completed.

Plink, Plink, Plink

I've been messing around in my few spare moments with an interesting little demo of a computer game called Uplink. This game is a simulation of movie-style futuristic hacking, where you break into computers to perform services for whomever you please - criminal or not. It's great fun, very easy to play and has no real-world implications7.

Apparently the developers have had some people confusing their game with a real-life hacking tool, though, as their website specifically states that, "Uplink is a computer game. It's not real." Which is both a relief and a worry: a relief, because we now know that we're not being roped into stealing data for a Big Evil Corporation8, and a worry, because it means that some people don't know the difference between a game and reality. Erk.

Well, I'm done! I'll be back next week (unless agents working for the afore-not-mentioned Big Evil Corporation have got me...)

# Lokuz

14.02.02. Front Page

Back Issue Page

1Unfinished2Well, one actually - I didn't finish it3"Then stand up." - Fit the Eleventh4This is a lie. It was a dark, damp, cold winter morning and all the birds were either dead or asleep.5Well, the beak was luminous, anyway6Actually, maybe they were just too fat to waddle away7Apart from the obvious problem of game addiction8I'm not going to risk putting a link to a certain corporation's website.

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