Swords into Ploughshares
Created | Updated Oct 23, 2002
In early 2002, the charity called Christian Aid helped to stage a very remarkable art exhibition in London. On show were sculptures and works of art from Africa which had been made entirely from weapons parts!!! For the last seven years, since a civil war came to an end, churches in Mozambique have been running a project which was inspired by the words of Micah chapter 4 and called "Swords into Ploughshares". This has the aim of collecting weapons from the people of the country and giving them useful tools and farm machinery in return. Most of the weapons are then destroyed by the government but some have been given to local artists who then chopped them up and used the pieces for their sculptures. Some of those works were included in the exhibition run by Christian Aid.
Animal and bird sculptures, chairs and tables were just some of the creations on show. The pieces are quite recognisably fashioned from weapons and yet perhaps this adds to their attractiveness. Captions accompanying the displayed works explained the sentiments behind them. Visitors described the exhibition as very moving and beautiful.
Besides removing weapons from circulation and destroying them, the project aims to prevent the hands of the people of Mozambique from using weapons of destruction and to give those same hands useful tools of construction. The organisers, The Christian Council of Mozambique, hope that the project will also challenge people to turn their minds to a more positive future free from strife and war. Water pumps, tractors and small machinery for businesses have been exchanged for guns and bombs. (500 old guns earned one community a new tractor!)
All 10 provinces in the Mozambique have responded by asking to join the project and over 200 000 weapons have been collected since it began. Maybe the most encouraging thing is that young children have responded by bringing their toy guns and smashing them up in church. Surely this must be a very hopeful sign for the future of that troubled country.