Parthenogenesis and the Pimento function

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<grovel> Quite an exacting task I should think. I've seen a lot of flags today, many of them being waved by exuberant lifeforms, some being manipulated by ethnocentric breezes. I suspect this may have been one of the "better" days for all the limp pieces of cloth with fancy colours embedded in them........

Anyhow, shall we gaze behind the facade?


(<whistle> the HNIC theme, wait for my cat to get back with the sandwhiches..).

Welcome to my space, you who happen to be reading this right now. If I'm not here it's probably because I fell over at my campsite, pitch 26. Atmospheric density is a tad different there, many friendly people there float as a means of travel. Whether gin is the catalyst or not you can't argue that it's much easier on the knees. Where the heck is the <cat>.....? Speaking of floating, think I may have tumbled into another dimension via the worm hole in my chest. Felt a distinct rushing sensation, the igloo changed colour, cat not longer trusts me implicitly and I feel the need to visit the pitch. Come along won't you?

Or you can stay and snoop with my full sanction. You may find some interesting things although I've had a tough time furnishing the place as the Cdn dollar to pound exchange is about as favourable as sunbathing in Arthur's cave would be. There is however a very comfortable pillow in the corner, feel free to put your drink on it.

You could also talk to the <schooloffish> downstairs. If they've finished working out the Pimento Function they may try to talk you into a game of tiles. It give them great satisfaction to lure humans into just about anything.


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