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A contagion-like state, which tends to grip hoards of inebriated souls like an implausibly powerful virus.

Generally an occurrence of an over-consumption of cheap alcoholic beverages, normally timid, tone-deaf individuals, abruptly realise they were put on this Earth to be world-famous singers. This leads to them making the crucial decision to take a microphone, and share their newfound talents with the remaining occupants of the establishment (usually a barroom).

Once upon whatever shape their stage takes, microphone in hand, they proceed to belt out any number of "songs", the music for which is rendered by the actual Karaoke Machine. An accompanying television screen provides any song lyrics that, as a general rule, not followed by the singer. Despite this fact, a mark to indicate the point at which the singer should be up to usually is found to be an over zealous ball, irritatingly jumping from one lyric to the next.

Subsequent to the former event, added people, all intoxicated and excited by their friend's newly discovered talent and success, join them in singing into the early hours of the morning.

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