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Im Abendrot - In the Red of Evening

One of the most beautiful songs for voice and orchestra is Im Abendrot by Richard Strauss.

The song is a setting to music of a poem by Joseph von Eichendorff (1788 - 1857). Written near the end of Strauss's long and productive life, the music is sad, wistful and intensely beautiful. It ends with an orchestral chord sequence which will make the hairs stand up on the back of your neck. Im Abendrot is the last of the four songs known as Strauss's Four Last Songs; these are normally performed together as a single work.

This new translation of the poem matches the rhythm of the music syllable for syllable, so that it can be sung along with the Strauss music.

Im Abendrot - Joseph von Eichendorff (1788-1857)

Wir sind durch Not und Freude

gegangen Hand in Hand,

vom Wandern ruhn wir (beide)

nun überm stillen Land.

Rings sich die Täler neigen,

es dunkelt schon die Luft,

zwei Lerchen nur noch steigen

nachträumend in den Duft.

Tritt her und lass sie schwirren,

bald ist es Schlafenszeit,

dass wir uns nicht verirren

in dieser Einsamkeit.

O weiter, stiller Friede!

So tief im Abendrot.

Wie sind wir wandermüde –

ist dies etwa der Tod?

In the Red of Evening

We've gone through joy and sorrow

But we wandered hand in hand.

We rest now from our travels

In the peaceful land.

Wistful, the heav'ns are empty

But for two soaring larks.

The valleys fold around us

And now the sky grows dark.

Come, leave them to their flying;

Soon it is time for sleep.

No longer should we wander

In solitude so deep.

O peace so calm and spacious,

O sky so red and vast,

How tired we are of travelling –

Has death arrived at last?

A more accurate translation of the second verse, which unfortunately does not exactly match the music, is as follows:

The valleys fold around us

And now the sky grows dark,

The wistful heavens are empty

But for two soaring larks.

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