h2g2 Bookmarklets
Created | Updated Mar 7, 2003
Bookmarklets are pieces of javascript code which run directly from a bookmark/favorite. They are extremely useful for executing code which can be applied to many different pages. General bookmarklets may be found on this site. The following are bookmarklets made for h2g2 as well as how to use them.
Instructions vary depending on browser and operating system:
Internet Explorer
Mac: Go to Favorites -> Organize Favorites -> New Favorite. Copy to name to the "name" box and the code to the "address" box.
The Bookmarklets
Go to Entry
Asks for a DNA URL (e.g., A123456, U123456, PeerReview), then takes you there.
Override Submit Safety
Tricks any form on h2g2 (postings, update entry, etc.) into thinking that you haven't clicked either the preview or post/update button, allowing you to click it again. Useful when you change your mind about something you've written or when the next page fails to load. NOTE: using this bookmarklet with "Post to Conversation" forms may result in doubleposting. Even if the browser hasn't displayed the post yet, if the server has been contacted, it has probably gotten the post.
Search the Guide
Asks for search terms, then searches the Guide for them. Works exactly like the search box at the top of every page of the Guide. Useful for searching when browsing other websites. Advanced search coming soon.