Random thoughts during study Hall

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"I am going to make [an entry] about Arcane Realms."
"I hate it when i can't fit all my text on one page!"
"Random thoughts are dumb."
"Gaian can't type."
"I don't have any thoughts at the moment..."
"Stop typing Gaian!"
"Quando van a casa de Emilio?"
"Would that be when go the house de Emilio?"
"That was of not de."
"NO YOU FOOL!"" No you ffol"
"He He"
(deeply) "HE HE"
"Nine deeply"
"You didn't finish the paren on deeply..."
"Do you think anyone is going to reda this? It's such a waste of time"
"Van la casa de Emilio, despues de classes."
"Number three..."
"Why do i occasionally think in spanish..."
"Por que yo se enspaNol?"
"Se is think?"
"You could say occaional-idad... or something"
"Without the hyphen"
"Que escuchan"
"why listen? Is that Escuchan?"
"Can you spell correctly? Gaian can't spell."
"These questions are retarded they can't ask THAT!"
[Cackling for thirty seconds]
"Donde preparen por una merienda?"
"You should just stop this now and go ahead and submit if you want to..."
"What's 'before'?"
"As opposed to 'despues'?"
"That was a question...for you...meaning Gaian."
"I said allright but I'm not going to.."
"Seriously Tell me"
"Kevin the answer to that" pointing at the above line o' 4 up
"It's 'antes!'" he says profoundly
"profoundly" mockingly
"Ta-Haaa, i didn't hiss!"
"That's with two 's'"
"I am going to 'Fubar' you"
"f***ed up beyond all recognition"
"It's a military term"
"Up there...[tapers off into stupidity].."
"Yes Excelent"

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