Advice to New York City visitors...

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The best advice to new york visitors, is NOT to buy anything from any one selling things on a new york street, no rolex watches (Or does it say nolex?) no hot dogs, (no one knows what is in that water) not even any religous dogma... (and don't laugh at the guy in times square!) For shoppers, avoid stores that sell too many different things.... if they sell luggage, cameras, computers, and bric a brac in a 10' storefront, it's a bad sign. And finally, the city is not as dangerous as you may have heard. As for the Sights... See the Green Lady in the harbor (Statue of Liberty) The Old Tall Building (Empire State Building) And the Newer Tall Buildings that the terrorists tried to blow up. (The Twin Towers at the World Trade Center)

A life long New Yorker,

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