A Conversation for "The Orchard" - the h2g2 Mac Users' Group!

A dictionary

Post 1


My spelling is terrible. I can't even look up the correct spelling of a word in the dictionary unless I know how to spell it.

I'm impressed with how Gargle will ask about a flubbed query by asking "Did you mean........"

Does anyone know of a dictionary app that will do that for me? My spellcheck will underline a mispelled word (as it just now did). A superior spellcheck would ask "Did you mean...." and give a list that I could click on the right one.

A dictionary

Post 2


A super superior spellcheck would have a dictionary and thesaurus that would get the meaning of the word and suggest others with a different shading on meaning.

A dictionary

Post 3


A super superior superior spellcheck would see what I type and write what I mean.

A dictionary

Post 4


smiley - laugh

A dictionary

Post 5


If you right-click on a word underlined in red, you should get a list of suggested spellings.

A dictionary

Post 6


Thanks for that gien but how do I right click the Apple mouse or is there an equivalent keyboard command?

A dictionary

Post 7

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

Hi Tumsup

Do you have a white Apple mouse? If you do then the right click is simply pressure on the right side of the mouse. If not then holding down Control and clicking has the same effect.


A dictionary

Post 8


>>A super superior spellcheck would have a dictionary and thesaurus that would get the meaning of the word and suggest others with a different shading on meaning.<<

If you right click on a word, you get a pop-up menu that includes the option Look Up In Dictionary. Click on that and the Dictionary program opens, showing you the meaning of that word. Click on the Thesaurus tab at the top of the Dictionary window, and you get the thesaurus listings. It's not instant, but it's only three clicks away.
smiley - biggrin

A dictionary

Post 9


There is no right click on my mouse but I have discovered that I can configure the scroll ball to act as a right click so that is solved.
Now if I could just get the ball to work properly. The Apple designers really fell down on this one. It gums up with dirt and can't be cleaned.
A pressure sensitive iPod circle would have been a better option here. It could do way more stuff and wouldn't have any moving parts to gum up.

Thanks everyone smiley - smooch for your help.

A dictionary

Post 10


Scroll ball cleaning: Put a piece of clean white paper on your mouse mat. Unplug the mouse, turn it upside down, and pressing down very firmly, run the scroll ball vigorously back-and-to and side-to-side on the paper for a minute or two. It's a strangely enjoyable pastime (or maybe that's just me) and you'll be amazed how much muck comes out.

A dictionary

Post 11


So it is! I imagined myself throttling the wee beast and watching its innards come out.
It works too, now it obeys me.

Thanks again.smiley - biggrin

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