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Getting a new mobile, will it sync?

Post 1

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

I'm getting a new mobile and was wondering if people know whether it will sync with the mac. The one I'm looking to get is the INQ1 but I can find no info on syncing it with a mac. I know I can use it as a mobile modem with my PB, but that's the only Mac specific info I can find and, after having a couple of phones which refused to sync, even with 3rd party apps, I'm a bit wary of phones and their syncing capabilities.

smiley - cheers

Getting a new mobile, will it sync?

Post 2

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

I have mobile w/ camera that can send somethings to my mac though bluetooth and usb. most of it as file, which is readable with mac. example is the adress book app and picture files.

Getting a new mobile, will it sync?

Post 3

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

I've no idea whether your new mobile will sync with your Mac. When I first paired my new mobile (Samsung J700) with my iMac through Bluetooth the Mac offered to sync with Address Book and iCal via iSync. On that basis alone it might be worth a try. You might have to muck around with some settings but...

I declined because I already sync iCal with a Palm handheld, so no need really.


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