Lanuage Problem

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In H2G2 we have the most wonderfull aray of people, it's a shame that only english speaking people can join,

My Idea: When a person joins the specify what lanuage to use. then thoough masive amount of code everything they read will be converted to that lanuage and anything they post will be translatd into english as a base lanuage.

Problems: Lanuage translation is not very reliable at the moment, and doing this for many users would take a supper computer. you also have the many difrent lanuages, even if some one came up with a good lanuage translator.

Result: People will be able to post in what ever lanuage, there is no lanuage barrier, and people won't feel segregated. Moderators won't be concerned about lanuage problms ether, because English is the base lanuage. It would be the fist truly Global socity for everybody :-)

-- DoctorMO --

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