Discussions Relating to the Lifetime Ban of Brainless Blonde Babe

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This page has been created in accordance with the Transgressions Procedure for Lifetime Bans.

Brainless Blonde Babe has been banned from h2g2 for life.

This is because we received incontrovertible evidence that this account was opened and operated by a banned Researcher. This breaks the terms of the site that everyone signs when they register with h2g2, so we have closed the account.

We contacted Brainless Blonde Babe, and she confirmed that this account was opened by a banned Researcher, so her account is closed forthwith.

Correspondence on this subject will not be entered into by the Editors. If you wish to discuss the ban or events surrounding it, we'd appreciate it if you did it here, as Conversations are much easier to follow if they occur on one place. Thank you.

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