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Rihanna (Robyn Rihanna Fenty) was born on 20th February 1988. She is an R&B recording artist and has colaborated with many others such as Ne-yo and Jay-z. Rihanna was born in Barbados and moved to the USA at the age of 16 to pursue a recording contract. She subsequently signed with label Def Jam Recordings after auditioning for Jay-z, who once was the labels head.

Rihanna released her debut album in 2005, called Music of the Sun, which features hit single Pon de Replay. A year later she released a second album 'A girl like me', which included number 1 hit in the US 'SOS', as well has 'Unfaithful' and 'Break if off'.

In 2007 she released her 'Good girl gone bad' album, which was nominated for 9 Grammy awards, in which she won Best Rap/Sung Collaboration for "Umbrella," which Jay-z featured in. It also featured 'Take a bow', 'Disturbia', and 'Don't stop the music', which turned out to be a worldwide hit. She then released a fourth album in 2009 called 'Rated R'which includes hits 'Russian Roulette', 'Rude boy' and 'Hard'.

Rihanna has received several accolades, one being the 2007 World Music Awards for World's Best-Selling Pop Female Artist and Female Entertainer of the Year, and in January 2010 she received 2 Grammy awards for Jay-z's single 'Run this town' which she featured in.

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