The Schlöss Fitness Room

4 Conversations


smiley - vampire

Everything is here for the modern fitness fan. The most up-to-date equipment has been installed; cast your eyes over the cycling machines with built in heart monitors; the chromed stepping machine; the ergonomic rowing machine; the sleek tread mill; not to mention the weight machines.

A juke box has been installed to provide your favourite music. Why not set a disc in motion and get on the machine of your choice for a satisfying workout?

There's just one little thing that I should mention, each machine is attached to a generator that supplies electricity to the Schlöss. You only get to choose one record that will play for the whole time you are here so choose wisely. Eternity is a long time.

Devilish child.
Everybody needs motivation so this sweet little girl has volunteered to stay with you and keep you going. Don't worry, she has ways of motivating you that will keep her amused for eons.

The question is, do you recognise her? She wandered in from the threads and won't give her name.

Well I must fly.
smiley - bat Enjoy.

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