Proposal for a Bozo Filter
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
This entry contains the germ of an idea that has suddenly become more relevant after recent events. It isn't currenrly listed on the Feature Ideas List because we'd rather kick it around the Community first, but if the consensus is positive, we'll add it.
Recent events on h2g2 have brought the whole transgressions process, and the concept of lifetime bans, under the spotlight. The biggest problem with lifetime bans is that although it's relatively trivial for us to close accounts to prevent anyone logging in as that Researcher, it's trivial for a banned Researcher to open a new account, and to start again with a new identity. As we've made clear elsewhere, we don't really mind this happening, until it becomes obvious to anyone that the new account is actually the banned Researcher coming back, so the problem is this: how do we deal with accounts that appear to be operated by or on behalf of a banned Researcher?
Currently the only option available to the Editors is to wait until it seems obvious to us that there is a reasonable chance that a banned Researcher has returned, and for us then to implement the transgressions process. This involves a week of discussion which drags up a lot of heated discussion, and at the end of the week the Editors sift through all the available information and make a decision, and in most cases this decision will annoy those who disagree with the final verdict.
So is there a way to avoid getting to this stage in the first place? Some Researchers have suggested that we wait until the suspected account breaks the rules and then bring in the transgressions procedure, but the disadvantage is that the damage is done, especially if they have been harrassing h2g2 Researchers on their return. A better solution would be one that empowers Researchers to shun other Researchers who they think might be returning Researchers, thereby limiting the damage banned Researchers can do if they return.
The Bozo List
Our proposition is for a new feature, the Bozo List. Its operation is simple:
Every Researcher has his or her own Bozo List, the contents of which is hidden from everyone else.
The Bozo List is another Personal Preference.
Researchers can add U numbers to their Bozo List.
Any content written by someone who is on the viewer's Bozo List is not displayed; instead a message similar to this is shown: 'This Posting/Entry has been written by someone on your Bozo List. _Click here_ to see it.
In this way the Bozo List acts like a filter for specific Researchers, and prevents people seeing content from people they want to avoid, thus hopefully minimising the negative effect of returning banned Researchers (ie if you suspect that an account is being operated by someone who has been banned and whom you'd rather not talk to, you can bozo them).
The person being bozo'd has no idea that they are on a Bozo List, so to them it simply appears as if they're being ignored.
This approach will also work well in reducing flame wars that have nothing to do with bans; if you simply don't want to read any more waffle from that damn Researcher who's always posting stuff that gets on your nerves, simply stick 'em on your Bozo List, and peace will reign.
The hope is that a feature like this would help reduce the amount of flaming on h2g2 in general (not that there's a great deal), and that it will prevent us having to go through long, tortuous routes to discover whether accounts are being opened in abuse of lifetime bans. If a banned Researcher comes back and starts annoying people, then those people can simply bozo the newcomer, and the problem goes away. However, if the new Researcher starts to break the rules, the Editors can come in to implement the transgressions procedure as it stands.
We'd welcome your comments in the Forum below - thanks!