The Schlöss Main Hall

1 Conversation


smiley - vampire

Greetings most esteemed guest and please enter. I hope the headless coachman brought you here without incident. He's quite reliable for timekeeping but inclined to stray off the path now and again. Once he went round in circles so many time he vanished up his own postillion.

This part is the main hall which has often echoed to the pleasant screams of victims. The accoustics are state of the art by Bang and Olaf'son. The painting that you are looking at is of my nephew Vlad, the one the natives called the Impaler. We prefer to call him Spike.

The cook has prepared a sumptuous banquet for you. All the best food and finest wines are here for you to taste, but before you seat yourself why not take a tour of the Schlöss.

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