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I knew that when I closed that door behind me, I was locking the door on my past and opening my future. With an unsteady hand, I reached for the doorknob and left my parents’ house. The flow of my blood in my veins beat so hard that I could not act as if nothing were happening. Although I felt afraid about my decision, all my parents’ advices and love made me feel safe.
I had to live my own life and that was what I was starting in that moment. Both heart and mind were separated and lots of feelings mixed. The only thing I was sure was that I was in love and I had to leave my parents.
Too young to be so sure? Too young to start an important enterprise? Life would say whether it was a mistake or not.
I kept my loving souvenirs in several boxes but a part of my heart and memories would be printed in those walls for ever. That was the most difficult part of the decision, to recognize that I wouldn’t belong to that place any more. And it still hurts because it was there my awakening to life, to a woman’s feelings, to an engaged citizen, where I would be a child for ever , where all sentiments were born. It seems as if that house would have been a mysterious and marvellous vessel that made me like I am. With my rights and wrongs, my weaknesses and strengths but always me, with my authentic and transparent behaviour which the ones that know me can understand.
There was I, ready to go for everything. And behind me, my parents who let me live as they had done before: totally loyal to our inner feelings and beliefs.
I had taken an important decision and I wouldn’t fail because I was sure it was the best for me, I could feel it and and could trust in that feeling.
Could everybody feel that? Was I the only one who felt like that? Or was I the only one that could face that risk with total faith?
The different waves in life made me feel more or less near of that place that was my parents’ house. Changing events turned the characters and settings of my life because nothing is eternal but what will be for ever within me is that burning feeling of challege and power that only a life based in love can give. My parents are not physically with me anymore but the respect and trust they demonstrated to my decisions were powerful tools of learning that I will never forget.
Now that some years have gone by, I would like to show my parents how right they were, how fine they brought me up and how much happiness that earlier decision has brought to my life!!!!!!!!

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