Treatise on Love
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
And now, after all that, I have a theory. Just a theory, remember, I'm not saying I atually /do/ know what love is. But I think I have a pretty good idea.
Take it from the basics - why why do people want love? To be happy. People want to love and be loved for the good feeling they get. Take it a bit further - if you believe love will make /you/ happy, why do you love another person? Because you want them to be happy. Love isn't selfish. If you're in love, you're happy when they're happy /because/ they're happy. You're sad when they're sad /because they're sad/.
Many people question their feelings, especially when it comes to the incredibly ill-defined region of the heart. They're afraid, mostly - afraid of getting hurt. Or maybe... afraid of being happy?
Whether they're afraid of pain or joy, the main part of my theory stands unchanging. But first, to review. We love so we may be happy. We love so another can be happy. And if these two statements are true, does it not logically follow that if we love, if we truly love, we would do anything to keep this person we hold so dear happy?
Sometimes, when you love, you are not loved in return. And when this happens, it does not make your love worthless. If you truly are in love with someone, you have to let them live their life. Without you, if they are happy that way.
Unfortunately, love can sometimes be blind. I say we start a collection to buy Love some glasses.