Homo Sapiens

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Homo Sapiens Sapiens are the self proclaimed rulers of Sol III and they do have a good case on some of the points they raise. They are present in a huge number of the habitats that Sol III presents and they are undoubtable masters of the animal kingdom, at least on a macro scale. This has given themselves a greatly inflated sense of their value.

In reality Homo Sapiens are the latest species of domesticated primate that Sol III has produced. They have some differences with their cousins that allowed them to spread and reproduce at a prodigous rate, normally to the detriment of the self same cousins.

Anatomy - How to Recognise Them

According to themselves they are all different, but it is really that they are predisposed to see the differences in themselves. They are no more different from each other than any other primate, or indeed cow or mouse is from another cow or mouse.

That being said with such a large population there is a fair bit of natural diversity in everything from colour, to size, to disease resistances, to digit length. This article will discuss those that fall within the 95 percentile, but with nods to any unusual groups that display any gross differences.

Basic Morphology

Homo Sapiens Sapiens contain most of their vital organs1 in the center of their body,

1We shall return to them later...

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