Lawn Repair and Maintenance

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It's not clear who started the rumour that covering a garden end-to-end in grass is a low-maintenance option, but perhaps it was a jobbing gardener who was finding it hard to get work. The fact is that square metre for square metre, a lawn is much more labour-intensive than the much maligned rose bed.

It depends on how picky you are about the results of course, but a lawn will need at least regular cutting while it's growing. There is more you can do if you're more of a perfectionist though. Let's have a look at some routine tasks and more infrequent repair jobs to make more of your lawn.

Routine Maintenance

Mowing - This is what you'll end up doing most often. Mow your lawn whenever it starts to look scruffy. In summer, you might have to do this once a week, or even more often if you're after a top-quality lawn.

Scarifying ( inc. Top-dressing and spiking)




Bare patches

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