podington peas

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An animation that first started to become populaer around 1990 and carryed on to be used as common ground for teenagers at the turn of the century.

The greating goes somthing like this

1. teenager meets another and greating commences.
2. first teenager greats by using the standard first line of the opening song

'down at the bottom of the gardon'

3. 2nd teenager replys 'beneth the birds and the bee's'

once this ritual has been performed the two have been bonded.

this ritual comes from the TV animation poddington peas. the animation consisted of a colany of peas living at the bottom of a garden. they all share a similar name type. an example being


they has adventures that mainly consisted of the evil 'Black-eye-pea' causing havok and normally getting beaten by the poddington peas.

However none of the teenages can remember anything else other than the theme tune. several theorys have been put forward to suggest why this is.
Subliminal messages,hypnotic music ect.

none however have suggested as a really good tune.

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