Chocolate Breaks

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Tesco's chocolate breaks are without doubt along with mcVities chocolate digestives one of the finest snacks ever created. Devastatingly cheap these biscuits have been in favour in our household since we stopped shopping at sainsbury's. Although i was initially disappointed at the lack of any "superior" kit kats or likewise i quickly came to realise the value in chocolate breaks. With the simple description "twin wafer finger biscuit" in white preceding an upper case "COVERED WITH REAL MILK CHOCOLATE" in garish yellow, the biscuit wrapper is with a dark/light blue wrapper mainly non-descript. The design however is simple, and the wrapper, where dark blue, is shiny, a feature only recognisable to kitkats once the red papery bit is taken off. Inside the wrapper comes the two-fingered treat, scrummy milk choclate surrounding crunchy, yet crumbly triple layer wafers.


I have had two types of chocolate break freaks.

The first, is the rarest. I was had occassion to open my chocolate break on a lazy summmer's eve, only to discover that underneath the wrapper and that tasty chocolate lay MINT FALVOURED WAFER. I was extraodinarily surprised, but the snack was as tasty as ever, and i enjoyed it all the more for it's uniqueness. It has indeed become something of a faint past legend, along with trolls and lemon flavoured opal fruits

The second has happened to me in varying degrees, and is namely when there is more chocolate than there should be. Normally the wafers are covered in about 1-2 mm of chocolate with 3mm seperating the two fingers. However on occasion at one "tail" of a finger there happens to be much more chocolate perhaps 10-15mm! This is a nice surprise, and i estimate happens in 1/10 chocolate breaks. I once had the extraodinary surprises as i nibbled down a finger to realise it was solid chocolate!!! God bless Chocolate Breaks.

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