Tips for evading the strong arm of the law

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You are wanted in fourteen central asian countries for major credit card fraud. There's a force 12 blowing northwesterly and you are lying in the sun on a hot majorcan beach. As the sharks begin to blow ashore you catch the glint of a platoon of police officers' sun glasses. They are carrying big guns and big truncheons. What do you do?

1. Ignore it. (and get arrested)
2. Pretend it's not happening. (and get arrested)
3. Goto sleep. (and get arrested)
4. All three.
5. None of the four.
6. Lie your way out of it (maybe no one will notice what with the wind and everything)
7. After all credit card fraud is not too serious.
8. Not in majorca at any rate.
9. Swim to safety

4. You, like any good person, give yourself up without a struggle.

10. Imagine a larger-than-life Cuckoo clock and hope this inspires a solution.

Remember it is good to keep your options open.

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