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I wear glasses. I also drink from them. I don't drink copious amounts, and my tastes is hardly what you'd call flambouyant. Nonetheless the little fellas keep popping up all over the place.

Before some conspirital nut, who also claims that Sir Oswald Hoover invented the man, Neil Armstrong smelt larders and John Baker started the Great Fire of London, decides that there is some conspiracy at large here, I will.

I fear that all who wear glasses are in danger of being misinterpreted by some universal force which interprets the glasses i wear as a sign i wish my rooms to be decorated in the objects.
Does anyone else suffer from this problem? The answer i know is yes.

If you don't wear glasses, you may not be safe either, because in order for a natural balance to be maintained the 'extra glasses' cannot be added to the bespectacled person's place of living from some natural resource of drinking objects. Neither can said universal force conjure them up into existance from nothing because as everyone knows that would mean we would not have Free Will. And then Oceania could not exist. So, the glasses come from a person with perfect vision.

The answer to balance this bizarre situation is to go on a pilgrimmage to a land far away.

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