3 Conversations

Pod is not your ordinary rapcore band. They combine rab, metal, alternative, and, most prominent, Christian. So if youre into rap-metal, and would enjoy a band that combines the aforementioned styles, POD is right up your alley. Some of their songs sound hip-hoppy, some metally, some a total mix of the two.

POD is:
-Sonny (Emcee)
-Marcos (Guitar, Backing Vocals (what I believe is the tortured screaming in the background of "The Messenjah" (Not a typo))
-Traa (Bass, Backing Vocals (what I believe is the Jamaican-accented type almost-chanting in "Riciculous")
-Wuv (Drums, Vocals (This guy COULD have done the tortured screaming in the background of "The Messenjah" (Not a typo))

Singles: Alive

My Favorite Tracks: ALive, Boom, Youth of the Nation

I am open to contribution and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. If you feel I've left something out, say so.

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