Gary Gygax

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In the Begining

Gary Gygax (officially he goes by E. Gary Gygax) is, arguably, the father of the role playing game industry. Gary Gygax was born in Chicago in 1938. Gygax dropped out of high school and spent not much more than a year in college.

In the late '60s Gygax belonged to a Wisconsin war gamer group called the Lake Geneva Tactical Studies Association. Gygax and Jeff Perrin co-authored Chainmail for the group. A small company called Guidon Games published their rules. Gygax created a supplement to Chainmail that included fantasy creatures like elves and orcs. In 1973, Gygax and Don Kaye formed Tactical Studies Rules to sell their fantasy role playing expansion to Chainmail. Gygax had originally approached Avalon Hill but they turned him down. Gygax was confident of his game's success. He figured they would sell 50,000 copies of his fantasy role playing game. Tactical Studies Rules was set up as an equal partnership between Gygax and Kaye. In 1974, Brian Blume joined Tactical Studies Rules. TSR's equity was divided evenly between the three. The first print run of Dungeons & Dragons was on January 1974 and it took roughly a year to sell the inventory. The second print run took 3 months.

I Could Have had a D8!

While writing D&D, Gygax was investigating methods of generating different ranges of random numbers. One day he was looking at a catalog for school supplies and saw a set of Platonic Solids for sale. He immediately knew they would make good dice.

Yes but Dave Arneson...

Dave Arneson, a gaming buddy of Gygax, is legally credited with the development of D&D although Gygax disputes his contributions. Gygax claims he wrote the vast majority of D&D's rules while Dave Arneson contributed to the game's initial campaign settings (namely, Blackmoor, which was the first true role playing campaign).

TSR Inc is Born

In 1976 Kaye died of a heart attack and Gygax bought his shares from Kaye's widow. Tactical Studies Rules incorporated as TSR Hobbies Inc. Unfortunately, Gygax over extended himself in purchasing Kaye's shares and he was forced to sell nearly half his holdings to Brian Blume and Blame's father Kevin. Near the end of 1976, Gygax held 30% of TSR's shares. Brian and Kevin Blume controlled 60%. TSR, under Gygax, had its best year ever. In 1981, the company posted sales of $16.5 million dollars, with a profit of $4.25 million. Gygax was a big believer in acquiring only short-term debt. His rule of thumb was debt should be no higher than a single month of sales.

In 1983 Gygax set up the California based Dungeons & Dragons Entertainment Corp, which created the D&D Cartoon Show and licensed the name Amazing Stories to Speilberg for his own TV production.

Gygax is Out

In 1985, the Blumes used their majority to reorganize the company. Gygax was nominally president but the Blumes controlled the actual operations. Under the Blumes, primarily Kevin Blume, TSR ran up larger and larger debts (amounting to $15 million). Gygax managed to get the entire TSR board to oust Kevin Blume for mismanagement.

The Reign of Terror

The Blumes eventually sold their shares to board member Lorraine Williams. In doing so, she acquired majority control of TSR. Previous to TSR Williams owned the licensing rights to the Buck Rogers name. She inherited the rights from her grandfather Flint Dille, a newspaper man who controlled the original rights. Gygax, judging Lorraine Williams incapable of running a gaming company, sold his shares in TSR and left the company in 1986. Williams had made no secret of her general hatred for her customers (ie gamers). She didn't feel they were her social equal. Williams, despite claims she would show the gaming industry how it was done, only managed to doubled the company's debt to $30 million. Facing bankruptcy, she sold out to Wizards of the Coast in 1997. There's a rumor that Planescape's Lady of Pain is patterned after Williams. There's also another rumor that Gygax lost control of TSR via divorce: his wife got half his shares and sold them to Williams. This, however, was not the case.

Gygax Takes a Dangerous Journey

After TSR, Gygax published a new RPG called Dangerous Journeys for Game Designers Workshop. The game was originally called Dangerous Dimensions (compare DD vs D&D). TSR quickly sued. After a court battle, TSR eventually agreed to acquire the rights to Gygax's game and pay legal costs.

Gygax is In Again

One interesting outcome of that trial was Gygax was allowed to write further novels in his Greyhawk universe. However, Gygax was not allowed to use the names of D&D character or monsters unless they appeared in the original two Greyhawk books he had written. In a neato case of what goes around comes around, Wizards of the Coast was eventually taken over by Hasbro which also controls Avalon Hill, the company that originally passed on D&D. These days Gygax is back writing a new paper RPG game called Lejendary.

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