Toast, Toppings and Meals with Toast

4 Conversations

Toast is a truly marvellous foodstuff. It's (relatively) healthy, has many varieties and is very simple to make. All that is required is a few slices of bread (preferably white, medium thickness,) bung it in a toaster or under a grill and there you are - instant snack.

Toaster or Grill?

An intriguing question. I'm told that Delia Smith herself thinks that toast is best when done under a pre - heated grill, but use a toaster for ease of use and speed.

When is it done?

In my opinion, toast is "done" when it is lightly brown on each side.


With just butter or margarine is lovely. Tastes better on white bread, and it's better with butter if you're not counting calories. Try to eat while hot or at least moderately warm. Bite off the crusts first and then enjoy the buttery goodness (mmmm, I'm salivating just thinking about it.)

With jam. Different jams give different flavours obviously so experiment. You can have butter or margarine underneath the jam if you are feeling particularly unhealthy.

With marmalade. Very nice, but make sure the marmalade is a decent one. See above re butter / marmalade.

With chocolate spread. Unusual, this one. Not one of my favourites, but still very nice. The spread sort of melts a bit, though.

In meals

Toast has a very right and proper place in meals, especially breakfast. It can be eaten on it's own or as part of a full breakfast (e.g. English, continental.) In other meals, it is very nice with soup or use it instead of bread with a sausage sandwich. Also an essential part of any fry up.

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