Riding the School Bus

2 Conversations

School is apart of many kid's and teenager's every day life. There are several ways to get there. Ride a bike, walk, drive or ride in a car. But the most popular choice is to ride a school bus.

How riding the school bus works.

When the kid start going to a public school, he or she is given the option of using the school bus to get to school. When the option is accepted, he or she will be given the privilage of riding the bus. It will come and pick the kid up on school days. There will be a designated place where the bus will stop, often in front of the house or at a nearby street corner. It will come at a certain time and if the kid isn't there, it will leave with out him or her. When the kid climbs aboard the bus, he or she will take a seat. With some buses the seats are assigned by the bus driver, others will be able to freely choose where the want to sit. The bus will then go and pick up other children. Then in the afternoon, the kids will climb back on the school bus and it will take them home, often dropping them off where they get picked up in the morning.

How to best make yourself comfortable on the bus.

Depending on the rules of the bus driver, there are many positions you can use to ride the bus. The most popular position is facing front with feet flat on the ground. However, this position can be fairly restricting as far as comfort and ability to communicate with surrounding kids. A second option is to sit with the back against the window and one leg curled under the body so that the kid can see a good 180 degrees around him or her. That is really comfortable and allows a greater view around. Unfortunately, some bus drivers frown on the position. If the kid isn't interested in comunicating with other people on the bus, there is a third option. Sit forward, but instead of letting the feet rest on the floor, prop both knees on the seat in front of the kid. The only thing to watch with this position is it cuts off some curculation to the bottom and legs. So if there is a prickling sensation, it might be wise to try shifting the postition.

Common Rules.

There are fairly common rules that should be observed when riding the bus. First, don't eat on the bus. The bus drivers don't appriciate finding sticky or crumby items on the seats. Second, don't drink anything on the bus. Also, smoking is prohibited, as is drugs and weapons.

Last Word

Enjoy riding the bus. It can be fun, especially when you have friends to talk to. If you don't have friends, bring (if allowed) a personal cd/cassette/radio with headphones along. That can make the miles just slip away until arival.

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