A Conversation for Alton Towers Meet 2002
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Researcher 190272 Started conversation Feb 24, 2002
Noticed this area when just searching bbc for Alton Towers.
Anyway to introduce myself, I am a fanatic about anything related to rollercoasters and my favourite park is ofcourse Alton Towers.
If you already don't know the next ride to enter at Alton Towers is AIR (Aeriel Inversion Rollercoaster) Due to open on March 16th it will be a 'flying' rollercoaster. Also made by the same people who made Nemesis called B&M. The designer is John Wardley who designed the rides Oblivion and Nemesis. He is also a top consultant to the Tussauds group and basically designed all the areas in alton towers.
I also belong to a website called Alton Towers Database ([Broken link removed by Moderator]) we will soon have our new design out and if you have an pictures you have from alton towers (the older the better) or any onride photos please forward them to us, we will be extremely grateful.
Other Alton Towers sites include http://www.sw5live.com & http://www.towersalmanac.com
If you fancy discussing any more details about the park you can join over 150+ members at http://www.ttdb.co.uk
Also please be aware! Alton Towers are most likely introducing a parking fee this season, it will be £2 per car or free to advanced booked tickets, Season passes. http://www.ttdb.com/towerstimes/park2.jpg
I don't know if this message will post my name but I am called in the real world by the name of Peter. My parents are keen caravaners and any info on trips like this would be good to hear.
I hope I have educated you a bit more on just a small bit of detail of 2002 at Alton towers.
Any questions just drop me a line!
Hello all
Researcher 190272 Posted Feb 24, 2002
My site is http://www.atdatabase.co.uk (sorry about the typo)
Hello all
$u$ Posted Mar 1, 2002
Hi Peter. Thanks for all the info. I'd forgotten about 'Air' opening this year (though I still think it should be called 'Pegasus'
) If you (and family?) would like to join us in September, you'd be very welcome.
Hope you're having fun exploring h2g2. Lots to see and do!
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