Jenison, MI
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Jenison is one of those small towns wher everything seems safe and protected- a Bubble Town, as some people say. What sets this town apart is the fact that it actually IS a bubble town. Jenison is surrounded by a giant, invisible bubble that keeps out everything that is bad and evil, especially liberal view points. The ultra conservatives of the town have erected this bubble for the good of the people. No need to fear terrorist attacks-missiles and bombs just bounce right off!
In all seriousness, this being a travel guide and all, Jenison lives up to its "bubble" reoutation. Take it from a resident-if you have a chance to visit, don't bother. There is nothing to do or see in the town-go to Grand Rapids or even Holland (the city in Michigan, not the country) instead. Much more interesting. The hangout for high school kids in this town is the local Arby's. Enough said.