How to make Apple-Oranges for simple fun and profiet

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For those all of you who wish to create an Apple-Orange for simple fun and turn a profiet while doing this you will need to gather the following:
1 apple
1 orange (about the same size if possible for best results)
tooth picks

Now that you have these, please place them on a flat surface and begin.
1) Take out a regular kitchen knife and saw the two fruit into equal parts.
2) Take the two parts and absolutly smother them in paste, if they are not good and extra sticky you will have to re-apply.
3)After sticking the two pieces of fruit togeather (after making sure the respective ends are lined up), stick about 5 or 6 tooth picks around the edges to seal them good and tight.
4) Place in the refridgerator over night.

In the morning remove the tooth picks and if you used edible paste (like a normal person, so i am sure you didn't) you will have to nice apple-oranges.

To make a profiet on these you can either:
a) Take them to a research lab and say youve spliced a new type of fruit then run away with the cash before you get caught.
b) Take it too a kindergarden or elementary school and sell it to the youngsters as a fruit that has nothing but pure sugar in it (they go crazy for that).
Though in both scinerios you end up running for some kind of authority if you make enough money, its all good!
Good luck and keep up that production line!
The Masked Quacker

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