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this are small sticks that contains a certin amount of dried plant known as tubacco.
to use a cigarette hold it in your mouth and light the white edge of the stick the tubaco should then be inhailed and the following result should be:dizzines,soar throat,sickness & in extream cases unconciosnes.
there are diffrent kinds of cigarrettes too varius to count in this entry stil one particularly known cigarette is the "after cigarette",
there is the after dinner cigarette, the after sex cigarette, the after toilets cigarette, the after cigarette cigarette, the after waking up cigarette, the after losing a triel cigarette, after my x took my house cigarette & the not so famous afterlife cigarette.
diffrent nations have diffrent laws as to how strong a cigarette may be for instence most israeli cigarets are so strong that they will be illigal in most nations of the world infact they are so strong that non-israelis who smoked these without proper precoations experienced a short yet unmistakable feeling of death.
on the other hand in america not only is smoking unpermited in every public area but those who do smoke use the notorius kind of cigarettes also known as light.
light cigarettes are a brilliant idea ment to cut down the level of nicotin in a users body however, it is a well known fact that peaple who smoke lights generaly smoke more.
so long then i"m off to smoke the after writing cigarette.

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