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my addition is about Crewe you may have guessed that from the title. this is where i reside for the time being. lets be frank, no hes boring, crewe is a dump, the s**t hole of cheshire, the only thing that you want to do when you get here is to leave again and as fast as possible.

okay the good points:
i live here
it has 3 good shops, macouti, and two sci fi shops where they kinda ave alternative stock so if you are looking for one thing you cna find it in the other if its not in the first.
a small community of interesting and deverse people, and the dilan moran man!!!

bad points (where do i start)
townies every where of all kinds ahhhh
too many boring shops like topshop and M& bloody S.
hundreds of sport shops too every where you look you cant get away from them at all, i mean what if you dont like sport or over weight it can be quite depressing when you see all these toned people with their trackies walking about.
not that big
bad paving.

overall - dont come here youll hate it, if you do have to say you live in nantwich youll be treated nicer.

bye for now

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