Naming the Name of Names

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Names. They confuse you. Thats all they're really good for.Like for instance: Shortened names. Some of them make sence, like will for william and rob or robby for robert. Some of them only make remote sence, such as bill or billy for william and bob or bobby for robbert. And then there is the one name. DICK! For those pathetically insolent fools who don't know, Dick is short for Richard. WHERE DID THAT COME FROM? WHAT IS THEY POINT IN IT? WHY? WHY? WHY? (I could go on forever, but I think I'll stop here).
For A while I thought "Why don't they name people because of what they thought of them when they were a baby?" but then I thought about it. If they did, half the people in the world would be named "Bald" and the other half would be named "Uglymonkey". Then I thought "why not ask them? The parent could wait until they could talk, and when they could the parent would ask them. In the meantime, they could just call them "Kid" (most people do anyway). If there was more than one person in the family who could not talk, they could be like " thing one" or "thing two" (like in "the cat in the hat). Though this may cause a problem in problems in public places ("hey, kid! no not you, the other kid! the one beside you, kid! no the other kid! AAARGH!"), I believe this would be a more practical way of naming people. Then, if later on in life they did not like their name, the only one who they could blame would be themselves.

Thank you. that is my part. If you have anymore pointlessly stupid shortened names or anything else you can think of that would go good on this entry, e-mail me @ [email protected] and entitle it "fish". believe it makes alot of sense if you have a mind like mine, which most people dont.

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