The Sutton Arms

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The Sutton Arms is a friendly pub situated in London's trendy Clerkenwell. But unlike many of the pubs in the area it has not been converted into an Ikea style gastro-pub. It remains in the classic English urban pub style, in a redbrick Edwardian building, with large plate glass windows and burgundy painted wood. Step inside and you will find lots of tables and chairs and a long bar towards the end of the room. There is a smaller bar upstairs, in a room that doubles as a restaurant. The food is good solid pub fare, and the salt beef sandwiches have been particularly highly praised.

As the Sutton Arms is a free house, there is a good range of beers1 and other drinks. The staff are friendly and there is a TV and a music system. The ground floor is fully accessible to wheelchairs, as the pavement is on the same level as the floor. While there is not a disabled toilet as such, the facilities are wide enough to allow those with mobility problems to use them. The Gents is wide enough for a wheelchair.

How do I get there?

The Sutton Arms is near to Farringdon and Barbican tube stations and near to the route of No. 153 bus. The pub's address is 16 Great Sutton Street, London, EC1. If you search for Great Sutton Street at, you can see where the pub is on a map.

1Everard's Tiger, Marston's Pedigree, IPA, Abbott and Guinness.

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