Whatever next....?

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These are from the "Whatever Next?" thread which, like many other things in life, was fun while it lasted but which somehow never came to a satisfactory conclusion. Many thanks to all who provided a finish to the line "An unfinished sentence is like a......"

An unfinished sentence is like a starter without a main course.

An unfinished sentence is like perpetual motion- It gathers momentum without ever reaching a full stop.

An unfinished sentence is like getting an edge in wordways.

An unfinished sentence is like grammar in search of a thought.

An unfinished sentence is like an open door to the mind.

An unfinished sentence is like the petals of a slowly closing flower.

An unfinished sentence is a chance to lead the conversation, without it being that obvious that is what you are doing.

An unfinished sentence is like a relay race.

An unfinished sentence is like an opportunity for individuality.

An unfinished sentence is like, really annoying...

An unfinished sentence is like having everything you need except Rizla papers.

An unfinished sentence is your duty to finish. (Even if you only find the missing part for yourself.)

An unfinished sentence is much more like reality than a 1,000,000 word, fully elaborated novel.

An unfinished sentence is like...a chance to butt in.

An unfinished sentence is like a half-eaten cheesecake.

An unfinished sentence is like a tick without a

An unfinished sentence is like a toilet without a seat.

An unfinished sentence is like an explorer of thoughts that just fell off the edge of the word.

An unfinished sentence is like a lot of letters that never reach their destination.

An unfinished sentence is like a menu.

An unfinished sentence is the beginning of the end.

An unfinished sentence is like a ingrediant list for something; i've found the flour, i've found the cumin, but i've not found a shop that sells TSp's...

An unfinished sentence is like water flowing gently down a stream, its journey never ends.

An unfinished sentence is like Christmas without a tree.

An unfinished sentence is like the journey of discovery of the mind, and can never be completed.

An unfinished sentence is like a guitar solo.

An unfinished sentence is like a letter not yet posted.

An unfinished sentence is like a meal left on the table to go cold, unless it is a salad, in which case it was cold to start with, and has probably in many respects actually got warmer the longer its been left, unless the table, and the room in which the table is contained is extremely cold, or the salad was prepared in a warmer environment to that in which it has been left in on a table.

An unfinished sentence is like a drunk with no poem to go to.

An unfinished sentence is worth a thousand words.

An unfinished sentence is like a derailed train of thought.

An unfinsished sentence is like .

An unfinished sentence is like a crazy train.

An unfinished sentence like life in a hotel bar...

An unfinished sentence is like an unfinished sentence

...oh wait

An unfinished sentence IS an unfinished sentence

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